Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sentimental Sunday - Farewell to an old Friend

This week I attended a memorial service for an old friend, Mary Elizabeth Partridge Albright.

I met Mary in 1995 when I transferred into her DAR chapter.  Despite the fact that she was old enough to be my grandmother we became friends.

During my term as DAR chapter Regent she was very helpful and supportive.  In fact, she was willing to hold offices even though she was up in years and had already served as Regent.  It was because of that the chapter honored her by naming her an Honorary Regent.

Honorary Regent Ceremony - Mary is on right
Mary helped me join some other organizations as well.  In addition to the Daughters of the American Revolution, we were both members of New England Women, Ancient & Honorable Artillery Company, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, and Daughters of Colonial Wars.  Mary was very proud of her New England Heritage, having descended from families like the Partridges and the Bulkeleys.

Mary encouraged our chapter to hold a special grave marking ceremony for a previous chapter Regent, "Brownie" Beak.  Mrs. Beak was active in the state and national DAR and had served as First Vice President General.  The grave marking ceremony was held on September 12, 2001.  Despite the events of the previous day, many DAR ladies from around the state were present.

Brownie Beak Grave Marking - Mary is 3rd from left
One day, Mary happened to make a comment that, despite the fact that her middle name was Elizabeth, nobody had ever called her "MaryBeth".  Ever since that day, some of us fondly called her "MaryBeth".  She enjoyed that little nickname.

Unfortunately, over the past few years, her health had declined and she no longer attended meetings of our lineage societies.  We still stayed in touch.

Mary died on 7 July 2014, just one day shy of her 99th birthday.  She is now resting with her husband in Cornell, IL.

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